Betül Yıldırım
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B.Sc: Middle East Technical University, Department of Mining Engineering (Major Degree)
, Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (Double Major Degree)
M.Sc: Middle East Technical University, Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
Ph.D: Imperial College London, Earth Science and Engineering
Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
Clean Coal Technologies: Gasification of Coal and Coal-Biomass Blends.
Reservoir Rock Properties
Petroleum Property Valuation
Special Topics in Petroleum Engineering: Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources
Well Logging
Selected Publications
Cao, W., Yıldırım, B., Durucan, S., Wolf, K.H., Cai, W., Agrawal, H., Korre, A. (2021). Active acoustic monitoring of hydraulic fracturing in naturally fractured coal under true triaxial stresses. Fuel, 288.
Kok, M.V. & Yildirim, B (2020). Gasification kinetics of Thrace region coal by thermogravimetry analysis. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 188.
Kok, M.V. & Yildirim, B (2019). Gasification profiles of Thrace region coal under CO2, N2/CO2, and N2/Dry air environments. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 175, pp.237-245.
Yildirim, B., Durucan, S., Cao, W., Shi, J-Q., Korre, A, and Wolf, K.H. Experimental and numerical investigation into hydraulic fracture and natural fracture interaction in shale formations. Presented at 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 2019 June 23-26, New York, USA.
Yildirim, B., Cao, W., Durucan, S., Korre, A, Wolf, K.H., Bakker, R., and Barnhoorn, A. The effect of natural fracture heterogeneity on hydraulic fracture performance and seismic response in shale and coal formations. Presented at 52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 2018 June 17-20, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Yildirim, B., Cao, W., Shi, J-Q., Durucan, S., Korre, A. Discrete element modelling of hydraulic fracture interaction with natural fractures in shale formations. Presented at 2nd International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference, 2018 June 20-22, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Yildirim, B. Experimental and numerical modelling of fracture propagation in shale gas reservoirs. Poster session presented at the Faculty for the Future Fellows & Alumnae Forum, 2017 November 5 -8, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Thesis Advised
Thesis Author |
Education Level |
Completion Year | Thesis Title |
Oğuz Cihaner |
MS.c |
2023 | The fracability evaluation of Dadaş Shale in Southeastern Turkey based on its geomechanical properties |