Middle East Technical University ranked first for the third time in a row in the Patent Report 2022 published by Patent Effect according to both the number of commercialization and the number of commercialization by cumulative data and licensed patents. Thus, METU has managed to maintain its position in the first place since 2020 in the reports prepared by Patent Effect in these fields for the last three years.

In the "Turkey's Patent Map" report published on April 27, 2023, based on the patent data used for measuring and tracking innovation performances of countries, companies, universities, and institutions, an overall analysis of patent applications submitted by institutions in Turkey until December 31, 2022, was conducted.

As of the end of 2022, Middle East Technical University is listed at the top in the rankings of commercialization-leader universities and research centers with 48 commercialized and 50 licensed/transferred patents. METU also ranked first with 15 commercialization agreements and 14 licensed/transferred patents in the year 2022 alone. Additionally, METU became the university with the highest number of patent applications from Turkey among the European Patent Applications.

At Middle East Technical University, the procedures of commercialization of innovations developed by faculty members are carried out by the Technology Transfer Office (METU TTO). Currently, there are more than 200 innovations in METU TTO's patent portfolio in various areas ranging from biomedical engineering and defense industry to nanotechnology and informatics.

Last Updated:
23/02/2025 - 18:45