Summer Practice
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- Türkçe
General Information About Summer Practice
There are two internships in METU PETE undergraduate program. The rules and procedures for those two internship activities are explained below.
You yourself should find a suitable place for the summer practice. It is solely your responsibility. However, some companies set aside a quota for the students from our department following correspondences between the department and the companies. The quotas are determined by the companies and distributed by the department considering CGPA of the applicant students. Note that those quotas are usually very limited in number. You will be informed about the quotas and application period during the semester.
Whether you yourself have found a summer practice place or it is arranged by the department, you should follow the procedure given below.
Course Coordinator: Asst.Prof.Dr. Mehmet Onur Doğan
Course Assistant Coordinator: Res. Asst. İnanç Alptuğ Hıdıroğlu
Before you go
1. Summer practice must be minimum 20 working days.
2. At least 10 days before you go to the summer training (required only for places in Turkey), send a mail to attaching the Excel file.
3. You should take your internship booklets with you when you go to the internship by downloading them from the website, filling in the required fields and glueing your picture. You should write your name and sign the list before getting the booklet. The pictures will be glued to the first page and 3rd (in Turkey)/4th (outside of Turkey) pages.
4. Don't forget to get the insurance statement before you go to the summer training. The insurance statement must be submitted to the company. Note that it will be available only if you completed the number 2.
While you are in the summer training
5. Take pictures, keep a diary, take lots of notes.
6. Fill the Summary Form weekly where you will summarize your work for each working week.This report should be checked and signed by the authorized engineer.
7. Ask of the company to send the booklet page 3 to our department or bring with you in a signed/stamped closed envelope. The Summary Forms should also be delivered the same way.
8. Besides, after the Summer Practice Evaluation Form is filled, signed and graded by the authorized engineer, ask of the company to send the form to our department or ask of the company to deliver it bring with you in a signed/stamped closed envelope.
After you come back
9. Register for the appropriate course (either PETE300, or PETE400) at the beginning of the following semester. If a student does not register the summer practice course in 2 (two) semesters after the summer practice, the summer practice will be invalid and it must be repeated.
10. Check announcements about the submission schedule of the report.
11. Don't forget to check from secretaries' office whether your grades and Summary Forms have arrived to the department before the end of semester.
12.Follow the announcements and submit your summer practice reports accordingly to the responsible research assistant. You should use the summer practice report format while writing your summer practice reports.
Possible Summer Practice Places
The attached file lists companies where our earlier students have completed their practices If you find another one, ask the department whether it is suitable and acceptable.
2021 Internship Mobilization
As of 2021, the internship applications of the university students will be taken through the "Kariyer Kapısı" within the scope of the Internship Mobilization Project in accordance with the measure number 571.2 of the "2021 Presidency Annual Program, which was published as the President's Decree in the Official Gazette dated on October 27th, 2020 and numbered 31287 (repeated).
You can follow the announcements on and make your applications.